Spinal Decompression

Chiropractic in Brentwood, TN 

A Spinal Decompression Center in Brentwood, TN

Why Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression uses mechanical traction to gently stretch the spine. During this procedure, you will lay on a special table while our healthcare professional controls the traction device through a computer. A session typically consists of 15 one-minute periods of decompression with a relaxation cycle in between, for a total of 30 minutes.

Why Exodus Health Center?

Herniated or bulging discs can put pressure on the spinal nerves, resulting in pain down the back and legs. At Exodus Health Center | Chiropractor Brentwood, TN, we offer nonsurgical decompression to relieve this pressure and alleviate associated pain. Unlike more invasive options, decompression therapy requires little to no recovery time or powerful pain medications – so you can enjoy the results and continue to perform your daily activities. Chiropractor Brentwood

Reasons for Spinal Decompression

Back Pain

Hip Pain

Shoulder Pain

Neck Pain

Joint Arthritis




Disk Injuries



Chronic Pain

About Spinal Decompression

Nonsurgical decompression is a type of motorized traction that helps to relieve back pain. Spinal decompression works by srreching the spine gently, changing the force and position of the spine. This takes pressure off spinal disks, which are cushions between the bones in your spine. It creates negative pressure in the disc that promotes natural relaxation and space in the spine. Bulging or herniated disks may retract, taking pressure off nerves and spine. This helps promote the movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disks so they can heal naturally.


About Treatments

Nonsurgical decompression causes a vacuum-like effect, which allows any leaking tissue to return to the spinal disc. The vacuum also increases blood circulation in the spine, which brings nutrients and oxygen necessary for healing.

Patients report that decompression is a pain-free procedure; in fact, some even fall asleep during their session.

Surgery should always be a last resort when it comes to treating back pain. To learn if you’re a candidate for our spinal decompression therapy, please call and schedule your FREE initial consultation today.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Treatments Like?

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At each session, you will be fitted with a harness designed to achieve optimal decompression of the low back or neck. During a treatment, you will notice a gradual lengthening of your spine as your discs are decompressed and relieved of any pressure. The process is safe and relaxing. Some patients with extensively injured discs may report mild discomfort during the first few treatment sessions and soon, the discomfort generally subsides with more sessions. There is patient safety switch that allows you to stop at any point you feel discomfort. 

How Long is a Typical Treatment?

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Each treatment session is approximately 30 minutes.

Does It Hurt?

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Patients with acute, severe disc herniations may experience some pain during the first week or two until the pressure comes off of the nerves. Disc herniation patients tend to experience more “up and down” types of relief from their pain for the first two weeks as disc herniations can have slight unpredictability. Regardless of mild soreness experienced in the first week or two, most people experience 50% relief or more at the end of the second week.

Is Decompression Therapy Safe?

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Overall Spinal Decompression Therapy is considered safe and comfortable. The system has a emergency stop switch. This switch will terminate the treatment immediately if there is any increase in pain or discomfort during the session, avoiding most injuries.

What is the Typical Spinal Decompression Protocol?

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A typical spinal decompression treatment plan consists of about 12–20 sessions over four to six weeks. Many conditions require fewer visits; more extreme injuries require more. Many individuals claim relief from their pain and symptoms during the first few treatments, and most experience dramatic pain relief after a full treatment program.

Are there any Side Effects to Spinal Decompression?

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Most patients do not experience any major side effects. The most common side effect is a dull, achy soreness for the first week or two as the body becomes accustomed to being stretched and decompressed. 

Who Can Benefit From Decompression?

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Most people who suffer from pain as a result of an injured disc benefit from spinal decompression therapy. It effectively treats herniated, slipped, bulged, ruptured, or torn discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and sciatica. Decompression therapy also provides relief to patients recovering from spinal surgery.

What if I Have Had Spinal Surgery?

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Spinal Decompression treatment is not withheld for patients that have had spinal surgery. Actually, many patients have found success with Spinal Decompression even after back surgery. If you have had more than 3 laminectomies, the success rate of spinal decompression will decrease. If you have had surgical fusion with any type of hardware, then you may not qualify for spinal decompression.

Contact Us

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.

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(615) 445-7701

104 EastPark Drive ste 102 Brentwood, TN 37027


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